The epic journey of a sibling pair as they trek 2,181 miles from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachia Trail.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

HaPpY BiRtHdAy GrEtEl!!

We wish you a happy birthday,
A joyous and celebrated birthday,
To you dear Gretel,
We wish you a long, long life!

This 22nd birthday celebration is bound to be a memorable one!


  1. Happy birthday, Becca !!! What a special place to have a birthday you will never forget!!! Enjoy your day. We love you, Mom and Dad

  2. Happy Birthday. Hope your hike is going well and you have survived all of this horrible weather. We are looking forward to catching up with you when you get to Gatlinburg.

  3. Off on the trail again! We were so blessed yesterday. We got to pick up Jarrod and Becca at New Found Gap and play host to them for the night. We took them grocery shopping, out to eat, did some laundry and showers! My husband works at an old fashioned Soda Fountain so we took them there to celebrate Becca birthday with Turtle and Mint Chocolate Chip milkshakes. The evening was capped with popcorn and hot chocolate. Enjoyed breakfast this morning and then back up the mountain and back to the trail. I feel like part of our family has left. Our heart and prayers go with them as they continue to trek northward. God's Blessing!
